Alejandra Valdez-Lara, Angela. Jaramillo-Granada, Daniel Ortega-Zambrano, Eristeo García-Marquez, Jorge García-Fajardo, H. Mercado-Uribe and J.C. Ruiz-Suárez, Disruption of biological membranes hydrophobic molecules: a way to inhibit bacterial growth, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15 (2025) | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2024.1478519

Yojana J. P. Carreón, A. M. Jaramillo-Granada, D. Fuentes-López, A. D. Reyes-Figueroa, J. González-Gutiérrez and H. Mercado-Uribe, Bovine serum albumin under influence of alkali metals halide, RSC Advances, 15, 244 (2025), DOI: 10.1039/d4ra04503c.

G. Hernández-Galván and H Mercado-Uribe, Dehydration of biological membranes in a non-condensing environment, Soft Matter 19 (2023), DOI: 10.1039/d3sm01181j

D Ortega-Zambrano, D Fuentes-López and H Mercado-Uribe, Photoinactivation of Escherichia coli using five photosensitizers and the same number of photons, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Physics (2022), https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793545822400107

D Fuentes-López, D Ortega-Zambrano, MA Fernández-Herrera and H Mercado-Uribe, The growth of Escherichia coli cultures under the influence of pheomelanin nanoparticles and a chelant agent in the presence of light, Plos One, 17 (2022), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0265277

H Mercado-Uribe, FJ Guevara-Pantoja, W García-Muñoz,
JS García Maldonado, JM Mendez-Alcaraz and JC Ruiz-Suárez, On the
evolution of the exclusion zone produced by hidrophilic surfaces: A contracted
description, Journal of Chemical Physics,154, 194902 (2021),
JS García Maldonado, JM Mendez-Alcaraz and JC Ruiz-Suárez, On the
evolution of the exclusion zone produced by hidrophilic surfaces: A contracted
description, Journal of Chemical Physics,154, 194902 (2021),

H Mercado-Uribe, M Andrade-Medina, J Horacio Espinoza, M Carrillo-Tripp and C Scheckhuber, Analyzing structural alterations of mitochondrial intermembrane space superoxide scavengers cytochrome-c and SOD1 after methylglyoxal treatment, Plos One, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232408 (2020).

- Yojana JP Carreón, J González-Gutiérrez, MI Pérez-Camacho, and
- H Mercado- Uribe, Patterns produced by dry droplets of protein binary
- mixtures suspended in water, Colloids and Sufaces B: Bionterfaces, 161
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.10.028 (2017).
J Horacio Espinoza and Hilda Mercado-Uribe, Visible light neutralizes the effect produced by ultraviolet radiation in proteins, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology:B 167 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2016.11.023 (2017).
Yojana JP Carreón and Hilda Mercado-Uribe, Dielectric spectroscopy of biomolecules at low frequencies: Evidence of proton wires, Journal of Molecular Liquids 223 (2016).

S Salinas-Almaguer, A Angulo-Sherman, F Sierra-Valdez and H Mercado-Uribe, Sterilization by cooling in isochoric conditions: the case of Escherichia coli, Plos One 10 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0140882 (2015).

- A Angulo-Sherman and H Mercado-Uribe, Ionic transport in glycerol- water mixtures, Ionics 20 DOI 10.1007/s11581-014-1209-x (2014).

- A Angulo-Sherman and H Mercado-Uribe, Water under inner pressure: a dielectric spectroscopy study, Physical Review E 89 022406 (2014).

- FJ Guevara-Pantoja, F Gómez-Galván, IE Cipriano, H Mercado-Uribe and JC Ruíz-Suárez, Microrheology and electrical conductivity of a dilute PNIPAM suspension, Rheologica Acta, 53 DOI:10.1007/S00397-013-0751-1 (2014).

- F Gómez-Galván and H Mercado-Uribe, The phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): the effect of aging, Phase Transitions http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01411594.2013.837466 (2013).

- F Gómez-Galván, T Lara-Ceniceros and H Mercado-Uribe, Device for simultaneous measurements of the optical and dielectrical properties of hydrogels, Measurements Science and Technologies 23 025602 (2012).

- A Angulo-Sherman and H Mercado-Uribe, Dielectric spectroscopy of water at low frequencies: The existence of an isopermitive point, Chemical Physics Letters, 503, 327 (2011).

- F Gómez-Galván and H Mercado-Uribe, Experimental device to measure the electrical and optical properties of radiochromic films as a function of temperature, Review of Scientific Instruments 80 065103-1 (2009).

- H. Mercado-Uribe, I Gamboa-deBuen, AE Buenfil O Avila and ME Brandan, Experimental study of the response of radiochromic films to proton radiation of low energy, Nuclear Instruments and Methods Research B, 267, 1849 (2009).

- H Mercado-Uribe and JC Ruiz-Suárez, Light transmission through dense packing of glass spheres, Revista Mexicana de Física 55 130 (2009).