Research interest
Water is called "the matrix of life". It's an active component in cell. Water is the most studied substance because it has many unusual properties that nowadays remain misunderstood. For example, it exhibits interesting eccentricities in a confined environment.
The main focus of this research group is to explore the physical interactions and role of water in the conformation and dynamics of biological systems (proteins, DNA, enzymes), where the surrounding water is decisive for their functions. Our major current projects include:
- Estructural aspects of protein mixtures suspended in water.
We also very interested in exploring alternative methods to inactivate pathogen micro-organisms, which are a health problem in the world. We are working in the area of Photodynamic Inactivation. We are focused on exploring the effect of non-ionizing radiation in different cells and the physical mechanisms to achieve it . We are using the same principle to work with cancer cells (Photodynamic Therapy) . Our current projects are:
Because all these systems and phenomena are complex in nature, we approch them using different radiation sources and several powerful techniques: optical, dielectric and fluorescence spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, microcalorimetry, dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy and circular dichroism.
Water is called "the matrix of life". It's an active component in cell. Water is the most studied substance because it has many unusual properties that nowadays remain misunderstood. For example, it exhibits interesting eccentricities in a confined environment.
The main focus of this research group is to explore the physical interactions and role of water in the conformation and dynamics of biological systems (proteins, DNA, enzymes), where the surrounding water is decisive for their functions. Our major current projects include:
- Hydration in biomolecules:
- Estructural aspects of protein mixtures suspended in water.
- The anomalous behavior of water under constrained and physiological conditions.
- Models of water structuring due to hydrophilic surfaces.
- Hydration and dehydration processes in biomolecules and cells.
We also very interested in exploring alternative methods to inactivate pathogen micro-organisms, which are a health problem in the world. We are working in the area of Photodynamic Inactivation. We are focused on exploring the effect of non-ionizing radiation in different cells and the physical mechanisms to achieve it . We are using the same principle to work with cancer cells (Photodynamic Therapy) . Our current projects are:
- Photoinactivation of bacteria, parasites and virus.
- Photodynamic in cancer cells using novelty strategies (Mireya Márquez).
Because all these systems and phenomena are complex in nature, we approch them using different radiation sources and several powerful techniques: optical, dielectric and fluorescence spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, microcalorimetry, dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy and circular dichroism.